Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

M. Olivi is responsible for Scientific Mediation and president of the Committee MASTIC (Commission d'Animation et de Médiation Scientifique) https://project.inria.fr/mastic/. Her main contributions related with this mission were:

  • submit applications to get founding for 2019: “cordées de la réussite” (accepted) et “APOCS région”.

  • co-organize 10 robotic sessions for 2 classes of middle school students (device “MEDITES” http://medites.fr, founded by ANRU, the “Agence Nationale de Rénovation Urbaine”),

  • co-organize the “stage MathC2+” https://project.inria.fr/mastic/mediation/stage-mathc2/, a four-day internship for 50 high school students (“secondes”, about 16 years old) organized by the Committee MASTIC and its partners (June 19-22),

  • co-organize Inria participation to the event “Le Village des Sciences et de l'Innovation” in Antibes (October 20-21, 10000 people), and the event “Mouans-Sartoux fête les sciences du quotidien” http://univ-cotedazur.fr/events/fetedelascience.

  • co-organize about 10 “cafés scientifiques” (c@fé-in's and cafés Techno, 30 to 80 participants each) https://project.inria.fr/mastic/category/cafein/.


  • M. Olivi animated a half-day workshop session “activités débranchées” at “l'ESPE de Nice” for primary school students (April 10).


  • National events: M. Olivi participated to the event “Le Village des Sciences et de l'Innovation” in Antibes (October 20-21, 8000 people) and to the event “Mouans-Sartoux fête les sciences du quotidien” (October 13, 1000 people).

  • In educational institutions: M. Olivi participated to the event “bilan Medium's” at the “collège Émile Roux, Le Cannet”.

  • Welcoming of schoolchildren or the general public in an Inria center: M. Olivi animated a workshop session during the “stage MathC2+”, a four-day internship for high-school students organized by the Committee MASTIC and its partners (June 19-22).

Internal action

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

M. Olivi participated in the creation of the web pages https://pixees.fr/jouons-avec-des-experiences-scientifiques/.